3 Nov 2014

Bathtub and Purgatory

I feel only existing purgatorial place is a bathtub with foamed hot water. We, humans with venial sins or mortal sins can immerse ourselves into bathtub for long hours. Each hour will assume a set of unknown years or endless decades. Ultimately we come out with refreshment in both our mind and body. 

Why can we not define this as purification of our inner dirt, outer dust? Isn't it enough? Is rehabilitation another name of purgation? Will repetition of free some speech filled with rubbish and nonsense theories work for wiping sins off? 

Well, according to ancient mythologies, purgatory comes into picture only after death, which is still under our imaginary belief. But it's always better to use bathtub as many times as we can being alive, unfortunately with no painful action, in contrary to that story-telling-limited 'scary house'.

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